Monday, 23 September 2013

Film Questionnaire

For our task we were told we were producers and we had made a film using the studios money, the director and cast loved it but after the screening of the film, the audience wouldn't recommend it to a friend. We would set up a second screening and devise a questionnaire to hand out after the screening. 

Do you think this film was predictable?

How would you this film out of five?

Was any part of this film offensive?

Did the film fit the genre well?

Would you pay to see this film?

Did the advertisement/presentation of the film interest you?


Audience do not like it
Depressive ending
Director doesnt want to change any of the frames 
If it doesn't make money you wont get a job in hollywood again

Persuade director to:
2 versions - alternate endings (keeps the director happy)
Change advertisement for audience 

We think the best option is change the advertisement for the film as the main problem was that the end was depressing, if the audience knew what it was about, they would be expecting it and might enjoy it more.

Another feasible option would be to re-edit the movie as even things like the colour could subconsciously change how the audience view the film. 

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

TIME SCHEDULE - 48 Hour Film Challenge

2 hours – planning/brain storming
9 hours – in class pre production
2 hours – shopping for shoot
3 hours – script writing
2 hours – finding music
5 hours – practice shoot
2 hours -  shoot prep (hair and make-up)
9 hours – shooting
1 hours – importing/checking footage
5 hours – basic editing/cutting
3 hours – adding music
3 hours – final cut pro x effects
2 hours – titles and credits 

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

poster miss-representation

Our task was to design a poster that miss represented a film. We chose 'Mama' which is a horror involving 2 abandoned children. We decided to represent it as a family comedy. We selected a photo of the two girls from the film, we added the title in the style of a child's writing on the wall. We also added the tag line; 'life is two-riffic with twins' to give the idea it may be about troublesome twins. We also added some pretend reviews; 'double the trouble' and 'dead funny', 'dead' being the horror giveaway but 'funny' being the miss representation. In addition we drew some child like drawings on the poster to display the audience being children. Adding a white back ground with bold red writing is also a typical comedy poster theme which we tried to mimic. Again using bright, bold colours to give it a comical atmosphere. Poster miss representation is often used to gain a bigger audience, by changing the genre from horror which its audience is typically adults to a family comedy increases the audience to the whole family watching it.