Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Psychoanalytical Theory - Case Study

Sigmund Freud's theory is the idea of having a character or an object etc take the role of The Ego, The Super Ego or The Id. The Ego would be the general normal character with dreams or ideas, the Super Ego is the character bringing them down to earth and telling them what to do or that something is un-accomplishable, The Id is the bad influence, persuading them to do something which usually they shouldn't be doing. Freud's further idea is 'The Uncanny' which is the theory that something is coming back from childhood in an unfamiliar and often scary manner.

Jaques Lacan's theory is the idea of  'Object Petita' where a character needs to accomplish something to complete themselves. The 'Object Petita' is often unachievable. There is also the idea of the 'Mirror Phase' which is something holding you back or stopping you from being able to complete yourself.

Inception is a film with examples of these theories. With the first, Cobb (Di Caprio) is The Ego, he is an everyday character with aspirations. Ariadne (Ellen Page) or Arthur (Gordon-Levitt) would be The Super Ego, telling him his dreams aren't accomplishable and that they're not a good idea. Mal (Cotillard) would be The Id, persuading him to do things that he shouldn't be doing. The next theories examples would be Cobb wanting to meet and hug his children, this dersire is the 'Object Petita' which is the need to complete himself but it is almost impossible because of the dream, which is the 'Mirror Phase' which is stopping him competing himself.

Jaques Lacans theory goes on to develop onto how an object or location can unconsciously remind us of something. The theory of The Symbolic Realm draws upon the ideas of the signifier and the signified (the signifier is the thing which makes you think of something and the signified is what you think). This links to semiotics which is where a symbol automatically makes you think of something. For example the heart shape reminds you of love and romance etc.

Task: we were gives a word and told to use and object in a description of the scene to represent to word.

A police officer walks onto the crime scene of his murdered partner, the room is empty apart from red marks on the, the officer goes to head out before he notices something glinting on the floor. bending  down and picking it up, holds the small object up to the light where revealing a bullet shell, rolling it in his palm we see faint finger prints

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