Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Feminism Theory - Case Study

Feminism is the idea of people, often women fighting for women being equal to men, often a hugely debated theory because of a variety of factors.

The first argue is the fact of the words existence; most words like racist, sexist, terrorist are derogatory of the general belief, that these words are 'bad' people going against the common view. However a 'feminist' is someone who is fighting for womans rights, which leads to the idea that all people think men are superior to women. Jos whedon (although a controversial) speech on feminism is an example of the fact of the word

Another argument of feminism is the idea of feminism in film. Continuously women in film are displayed is certain view that is seen as 'normal' because it so frequently shown. There is an idea of the 'Bechdel Test' which is a test to see if movies consist of a scene with 2 woman who have a conversation not about a man. Many films fail the 'Bechdel Test', with only a few passing although most of the films passing don't actually include and female roles. The list of films passing the 'Bechdel Test' is listed here It is evident that successful film do not pass the test unless they children's films. 

There are many woman through history who fight for feminism, some mainly in film but always making the media, such as
  • Anne Oakley - being a well known feminist, wrote many successful books on the idea of feminism.
  • Naomi Wolf - Another feminist argues the point of feminism regarding 'beauty'. 
  • Laura Mulvey - The last is a British film theorist who works for the BFI and teaches film at Birbeck University. 

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